UI/UX Design

Body Shop App

Created to help relieve stress of accidents by taking the responsibility off of the effective party and putting it out to market for service centers to bid on. ‍ The task is turned into an app service, powered by auto body shops.

Target Audience

18+ individuals with valid drivers licenses. Predominantly female.

Software Used

Adobe Illustrator | Figma

Skills Used

Brainstorming | Sketching | Researching | App Layout

User Flow/Low Fidelity

A user flow was created because the main focus of this app was ease-of-use. The main objective, beyond providing a service is to take some of that stress of their shoulders while attempting to get service for their damaged vehicle.
This user flow chart ensured no dead-ends were encountered and that all important actions took very little action to initiate or get to.

Low Fidelity wireframes were  created to ensure hierarchy and layouts were effective in expressing the intent or information on the page. Making selections or more commonly used options larger/more obvious or accessible a must for ease of use and overall app usability.

Click on images to enlarge for better viewing experience.

High Fidelity

To flesh out the previous frames with colour, shades of blue were used because of their calm and ensuring nature. Given the intent of the app of taking stress away from impacted parties, bright illustrations are used to bring a light hearted feeling and add colour to the layout.

Most instructions are accompanied by an illustration to lessen user confusion and support the feeling of confidence in the app and service.

Click on images to enlarge for better viewing experience.

Animated Prototype and Conclusion

As a result, this application is a clean, easy to use, stress-reducing support that many drivers would appreciate having in case of an incident.
I intend to refine this layout further as it's concept that has real viability, and look forward to working with developers on this project.

To showcase how this app works and it's various features, I created a video click-thru. You may view it navigating through the link below!

Click HERE to see the prototype in action!

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